A disk of world music in support to Nyeleni


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Via Campesina and a network of organizations and movements (Friends of the Earth, the World March of Women, the World Forum of Fisherfolk) that has decided to organize the World Forum on Food Sovereignty in February 2007. The event, baptized Nyéléni, will take place in a small Malian town, Sélingué, and is one and a half hours from Bamako. During the course of five days, 500 delegates will reaffirm what they understand by the concept of food sovereignty. They will also come together to define the outlines of an international campaign aimed at making this right known and applied.

Finding the necessary financing for this project is important. The Festival of the Nuits atypiques de Langon (Small town close to Bordeaux France) has decided to support us in a very beautiful way. Serving as a bridge between the peasant world and the artistic world, they have contacted 21 highly valuable artists, hailing from 5 continents. An album, fruit of this collaboration, will be sold and the profits will go to Via Campesina for the organization of the Forum of Nyéléni in Mali.

This album will be made available on the daqui website, the production house of « Nuits atypiques de Langon » for 20 euros (www.daqui.fr). It is to be released at record retailers in October 2006.

The solidarity sales we make directly will bring us 8 times more funding than would be the case with ordinary commercial marketing. Associations who wish to support the action of Via Campesina in Nyéléni can buy these albums by the case with 30 individual records. Once in possession of a case full, they can resell these recordings in their own communities and to their members.

You can make your orders to this address now!

[(Valérie Jacquemin


8 place des Carmes

33210 Langon


Tél : +33 (0) 557 980 845

mail : v.jacquemin@nuitsatypiques.org)]

Another way to support us is to place a notice on the culture page of your union or organization newsletter. Finally, you can also place a link on the homepage of your internet site. Do not hesitate to make this initiative known in your circles by sending messages to those around you.

Little streams combine to create huge oceans and we are counting on each one of you to help us get the word out about this high quality album.