For 25 years, hundreds of organisations and social movements have been advocating for the people’s rights to food sovereignty around the world. Many of these organisations were present at the Nyéléni Forum 2007 and feel part of a broader Food Sovereignty movement that considers the Nyéléni 2007 Declaration its political platform.

The international Nyéléni newsletter is the voice of this international movement for Food Sovereignty.
Its main goal is to strengthen the grassroots of the movement, by providing accessible material on key issues and creating a space – for individuals and organisations involved in the struggle – to exchange their experiences and share information.
See all the editions of the Nyéléni newsletter here!
Organisations currently on the Nyéléni newsletter Editorial Board are: Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), ETC Group, FIAN International, Focus on the Global South, Friends of the Earth International, GRAIN, IPC for food sovereignty, La Via Campesina, the World Forum Of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers, the World Forum of Fisher People , and the Transnational Institute (TNI).
The newsletter is also supported by several other organisations in different ways such as financial resources, distribution, editorial work, and outreach. Supporter organisations currently are: AEF, Bread for the World, Grassroots International, IATP, IUF, World March of Women, Oxfam Deutschland, Oxfam Solidarity, Real World Radio, Thousand Currents, US Food Sovereignty Alliance, VSF – Justicia Alimentaria Global, and WhyHunger.
Special thanks!
It would not be possible to produce the newsletter without the valuable contributions from members of the movement in the form of articles, illustrations, knowledge, and suggestions, (as well as financial support).
A very special thanks go out also to all the professional translators who with their work make the newsletter available in English, Spanish and French.
* Illustration by Francisco Daniel, MST de Brasil, published on the newsletter no 42 – Ten years of Nyéléni – Much to celebrate!