Preface At the WFFP 3rd General Assembly, held at Kenya from 21-28 November 2004, the delegates and all the participants from the member organizations had […]
In view of the failure of neo-liberal policies and the deteriorating living conditions of both rural and urban societies, a growing number of political decision makers and social movements are taking an interest in food sovereignty.
An group composed of Friends of the Earth International, Via Campesina, the World March of Women, ROPPA, WFF and WFFP has come together to organise Nyéléni 20071, the World Forum for Food Sovereignty.
600 delegates from the five continents, representing all sectors of society with an interest in agricultural and food issues, will meet in Mali in February 2007.
This gathering will be an opportunity to reaffirm the right to food sovereignty and to clarify its economic, social, ecological and political implications. It will also strive to create an international process whose aim will be to achieve recognition of the right to food sovereignty.
The organisers made a deliberate decision to hold this meeting in Africa, where agriculture plays a central role, and where numerous rural and urban families suffer from hunger despite the abundance of natural resources.
Mali was a natural choice. It is a democratic country where civil society organisations, be they trade unions or other types of association, enjoy freedom of action and expression. Mali is one of the first countries in the world to have made food sovereignty a policy priority, with its new agricultural framework law.
Preface At the WFFP 3rd General Assembly, held at Kenya from 21-28 November 2004, the delegates and all the participants from the member organizations had […]
EACH NATION SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS AGRICULTURE Food is a basic human right and therefore not just like any other commodity. Almost […]
La télévision basque a produit un documentaire sur Nyéléni. Vous pouvez dés à présent visionner la bande d’annonce (en anglais et espagnol) en cliquant sur […]
by João Pedro Stedile
The global Forum on Food Sovereignty that took place in Mali, Africa, represented an important landmark in the building of connections between international networks and social movements sharing this common goal. It also enabled us to establish a much wider common concept of food sovereignty.
Mi, kis- és családi gazdálkodók, kézműves halászok, őshonos népek, földnélküli munkások, mezőgazdasági munkások, migránsok, pásztorok, erdei közösségek, női, ifjúsági, fogyasztói, környezetvédő és városi mozgalmak szervezeteinek […]
Wij, meer dan 500 vertegenwoordigers uit meer dan 80 landen, van organisaties van boeren, traditionele vissers, inheemse volkeren, landlozen, rurale arbeiders, migranten, nomadische veetelers, bosbewoners, […]
by Irene León
The town of Selingué in Mali, Western Africa, hosted the Food Sovereignty Forum – Nyéléni 2007- from 23 – 27 February 2007. Peasant organizations, small scale farmers, fisherpeople, shepherds, indigenous peoples, forest communities, women, consumers, environmentalists and some urban groups participated to strengthen the global movement involved in defending a future without hunger.
To visit the web site Click here
This is the Synthesis Report of Nyéléni 2007, Forum for Food Sovereignty, that took place in Sélingué, Mali from 23rd – 27th February 2007. At […]
말리, 셀링게 우리는 식량주권 국제 운동을 강화시키기 위해서 셀링게의 닐레니에 모였다. 우리 500명 이상의 참가자들은 80여개 나라의 농민, 가족농, 어민, 원주민, 무토지 민중, 농업노동자, 이주노동자, […]
Nyéléni process: creating a joint political agenda for systemic transformation
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