Newsletter no 17 – Editorial

Youth and agriculture

There will be no future for Food Sovereignty without the participation of young people – young people that are committed to the historical struggle for the liberation of our peoples and the transformation of our reality.
As the Youth of La Vía Campesina (LVC), we must recognize the dignity and value in the work we do to maintain our struggles. During the 3rd International Assembly of the Youth of La Via Campesina, we identified the major areas
of struggle as – Agroecology, Climate Change and Energy, Migration, Food Sovereignty, Territory and Commons; and Health.

Through a process that started in 2004, we have debated these topics and developed our strategic direction in order to further our agrarian visions, as part of our contribution to the building of a radically new society. As rural-peasants, migrant and indigenous youths, we recognize that we cannot confront the systems of oppression that inflict destruction on our peoples and the Earth without calling to every other youth in our society to mobilize
alongside us.

And so we the Youth of La Via Campesina present this edition as our call to the youth of world – to educate, mobilize and organize for Food Sovereignty Now!

The International Youth Articulation of La Via Campesina